You wake up on a beach.. [[Get up->Beach 2]] [[Get some more sleep->Die Sleep]] (set:$weapon to "hands")(set: $beachwalkdistance to 0)(set: $branchtime to 0)You look around. The beach goes on as far as the vitamin-A deficient eye can see. In front of you lies a dark forest. [[Try swimming home->Die Swim]] [[Head into the forest->Forest 1]] [[Walk along the beach->Beach 3]]You fall asleep, never to wake up again. A B12 deficiency got you. [[Try again->Beach]]You go into the water and begin your journey home. When you realise you're a vegan and your protein deficiency left you without muscles, it's too late: you drown. [[Try again->Beach]]You hear voices as you approach the forest: (live:1s)[(transition:"dissolve")[*Plants though..*(stop:)]] (live:2s)[(transition:"dissolve")[*Canines..*(stop:)]] (live:3s)[(transition:"dissolve")[*B12..*(stop:)]] [[Run back to the beach, screaming->Beach 3]] [[Enter the forest->Forest 2]] [[Die->Die Die]]You walk along the shore. (if:$weapon is not "stick" and (random:1,6) is 6)[You notice a stick on the ground, doing nothing as if it were a dead vegan. (link:"Take the stick")[(set: $weapon to "stick")]] [[Keep going->Beach 3]] [[Head into the forest->Forest 1]] (set: $beachwalkdistance to it + 1)As the wall of green closes behind you become aware of a pair of eyes approaching you from the darkness. It's too late to go back now. [[Climb a tree->Forest Tree]] [[Stand still and keep quiet->Forest Freeze]] (if: $weapon is not "hands")[[[Grab your $weapon->Forest Weapon]]]As you wish: you die. [[Try again->Beach]]You'd rather not find out what creature is making the sounds you hear from underneath. On the other hand, the branch you're hanging from is making its own scary noises. [[Let go->Forest Tree Down]] (if:$branchtime < 5)[[[Hold on->Forest Tree]]](else:)[(text-style:"rumble")[kjhgkjagsajhsaufug (live:1s)[(goto:"Forest Tree Down")]]] (set: $branchtime to it + 1)You turn around and stare right into the eyes of a... pig. [[Attack the pig with your bare hands->Forest Attack]] [[Kill yourself to feed the pig->Die Sacrifice]] (if:$weapon is not "hands")[[[Use your $weapon to knight it->Forest Knight]]]Double-click this passage to edit it.The eyes belong to a pig. It seems like you and this pig are the only two living animals on this island. [[Attack the pig with your $weapon->Forest Attack]] [[Use your $weapon to knight it->Forest Knight]] [[Kill yourself to feed the pig->Die Sacrifice]]Ouch! If your body hadn't absorbed your bones to make up for a lack of calcium you could've broken quite a few. [[Turn around->Forest Freeze]] [[Die->Die Die]]You attack the pig. [[Hit->Forest Attack]] (set:$hits to it + 1) (if:$hits + (random:3,5) > 6)[(goto:"Die Hitself")]*Advances Chevalier au nom de Dieu* (live:1s)[(text-style:"smear")[Oink!](stop:)] (live:2s)[It seems like the knight wants you to follow him. [[Follow->Follow 1]] [[Ignore->Die Lame]](stop:)]You die an honest vegan and are obviously sent to hell. [[Try again->Beach]]You accidentally hit yourself and die. [[Try again->Beach]]You follow the pig and he leads you to a fridge full of desserts. [[Eat them->Follow 2]] [[Are they vegan->Die Starvation]]You are so lame you die. [[Try again->Beach]]They are delicious, you win. Yay! [[Try again and fail, like a proper vegan->Beach]]You starve. [[Try again->Beach]]